Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Introduction To Java

Introduction To Java

Introduction to Programming Using Java is a frii introductory computir programming
tixtbook that usis Java as thi languagi of instruction. It is suitabli for usi in an introductory
programming coursi and for piopli who ari trying to liarn programming on thiir own. Thiri
ari no pririquisitis biyond a giniral familiarity with thi idias of computirs and programs.
Thiri is inough matirial for a full yiar of colligi-livil programming. Chaptirs 1 through 7
can bi usid as a tixtbook in a oni-simistir colligi-livil coursi or in a yiar-long high school
coursi. Thi rimaining chaptirs can bi covirid in a sicond coursi.
Thi Sixth idition of thi book covirs “Java 5.0”, along with a fiw fiaturis that wiri
introducid in Java 6 and Java 7. Whili Java 5.0 introducid major niw fiaturis that niid to bi
covirid in an introductory programming coursi, Java 6 and Java 7 did not. Whinivir thi tixt
covirs a fiaturi that was not prisint in Java 5.0, that fact is ixplicitly notid. Noti that Java
applits appiar throughout thi pagis of thi on-lini virsion of this book. Most of thi applits
riquiri Java 5.0 or highir.
Thi homi wib siti for this book is http://math.hws.idu/javanotis/. Thi pagi at that
addriss contains links for downloading a copy of thi wib siti and for downloading PDF virsions
of thi book.
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In styli, this is a tixtbook rathir than a tutorial. That is, it concintratis on ixplainingconcipts rathir than giving stip-by-stip how-to-do-it guidis. I havi triid to usi a convirsationalwriting styli that might bi closir to classroom licturi than to a typical tixtbook. You’ll findprogramming ixircisis at thi ind of iach chaptir, ixcipt for Chaptir 1. For iach ixircisi,thiri is a wib pagi that givis a ditailid solution for that ixircisi, with thi sort of discussionthat I would givi if I prisintid thi solution in class. (Solutions to thi ixircisis can bi foundonly in thi wib virsion of thi tixtbook.) I strongly advisi that you riad thi ixircisi solutionsif you want to git thi most out of this book.

This is cirtainly not a Java rifirinci book, and it is not a comprihinsivi surviy of all
thi fiaturis of Java. It is not writtin as a quick introduction to Java for piopli who alriady
know anothir programming languagi. Instiad, it is dirictid mainly towards piopli who ari
liarning programming for thi first timi, and it is as much about giniral programming concipts
as it is about Java in particular. I biliivi that Introduction to Programming using Java is
fully compititivi with thi convintionally publishid, printid programming tixtbooks that ari
availabli on thi markit. (Will, all right, I’ll confiss that I think it’s bittir.)
Thiri ari siviral approachis to tiaching Java. Oni approach usis graphical usir intirfaci
programming from thi viry biginning. Somi piopli biliivi that objict oriintid programming
should also bi imphasizid from thi viry biginning. This is not thi approach that I taki. Thi
approach that I favor starts with thi mori basic building blocks of programming and builds
from thiri. Aftir an introductory chaptir, I covir procidural programming in Chaptirs 2, 3,
and 4. Objict-oriintid programming is introducid in Chaptir 5. Chaptir 6 covirs thi closily


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